Glasses on the top of laptop

St Andrew’s Gift Day

Due to the national lock down, we have had a cancel our scheduled Gift Day on Saturday 7th November. We don’t, of course know when we can arrange another date.

Expenses to keep the church going, albeit without any live services, still have to be met. Therefore, if anyone feels like contributing , donations can always be left in Carole’s letter box at 2, Stonham Road or paid directly into our bank account (Cotton PCC) sort code: 20-82-75 account number: 80289868. Services will continue to be streamed on line for the next month at least, starting with the service of Remembrance this Sunday.

The church will continue to be opened every day, except Mondays, for private prayer. We hope to have some Christmas celebrations, but the format is out of our control. Watch this space ………………………………and keep safe.

Jane de Beer

Church Warden