This thriving village club was formed in 1941 as the Cotton Food Production Association, growing much needed food and raising pigs. Many of the surnames of those early pioneers, Vincent, Bullock, Hales, Finbow, to name but a few are represented in the current membership. It is thought that the change of name, to the Cotton and District VPA, came in about 1948. The first show was held in 1954 and continues to be held on the first Saturday in September each year.
Membership open to all £2 per year to include all meetings at the Village Hall ( and a cup of tea) and there is a raffle at each meeting. There is usually a small charge for evening visits and the annual outing and Christmas dinner are at cost.
New members will always find a friendly welcome. For further details, contact Jane de Beer (chairman) 781594 or Christine Marston, (programme organiser) 781567.
Cotton V.P.A. programme 2018
18th July Summer Excursion to Priory Maze and Garden Sherringham
1st September Annual Show in Cotton Village Hall
17th October The Life and Times of a Suffolk Shepherd – Mr. WIll Gray
21st November AGM and Quiz
5th December Annual Dinner at The Trowel & Hammer 7.00pm for 7.30
(No charge for meetings in the Village hall)