The Group is open to Cotton residents and anyone within 3 miles of the village and is free to join.
How it works.
By buying in a village group, the Oil Company saves on man hours and distance travelled by their tankers. Therefore, we can negotiate for you the maximum discounts by combining as many individual customers into a single load as possible – so the more residents that order, the better price for all. There is a minium order of 500 litres per household.
Our Promise to You.
The negotiated price will be the cheapest obtained from our list of Oil Companies. NOTE: Working on a ‘best price’ basis means it is possible that different oil companies may deliver each time.
Joining Information
To join the Cotton Oil Buyers Group, please contact Peter Mead either by:
Telephone on: 07845 068679
or E-mail on
Please include the following information:
- First Name, Last Name
- Address: including the Post Code
- Home Telephone Number
- Mobile Telephone Number (this is important for Oil Companies to take payments if you are not at home).
- Location of Tank
- Location of property (if difficult to find)
- Long hose needed (if your property has a long driveway or is too narrow for the lorry)
- Any other special information they might need to deliver your oil.
- E-mail address.
Cut-off dates for orders are 1 February, 1 April, 1 July, 1 October and 1 December each year.
The next order date is 1 December 2024 – Please place your order at least 3 days in advance.