Elderflower Cordial

Elderflower Cordial

It is hard to believe there are some of us country folk who have never made Elderflower Cordial. It is quite delicious and dead easy to make.

Any ingredients not already in the cupboard can be bought on line very cheaply.

The Elderflowers won’t be about for long but this a very good year and the hedgerows and gardens are full of them. The cordial will keep for two to three months in the fridge


1.5kg granulated sugar

1.5 litres water

2 lemons

about 25 elderflower heads

50g citric acid

2 Campden tablets


1. Measure the sugar and water into a large pan. Bring to the boil, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved. Remove from the heat and cool.

2. Slice the lemons thinly by hand or in a food processor. Put into a large plastic box or bucket. Add the elderflower heads to the lemons along with the citric acid and Campden tablets. Pour over the cooled sugar syrup. Cover and leave overnight or for up to a couple of days.

3. Sieve and strain through muslin into sterilise bottles and store in the fridge. To serve, dilute to taste with still or fizzy water.