Mobile Library February 6th (every 4 weeks thereafter)
Cotton Church layby – 12.00pm to 12.15pm
Cotton Methodist Church layby – 12.20pm to 12.35pm
Cotton is on Mid-Suffolk Mobile Route 10, more information can ge found at the link here
Telephone: 01473 584563
As a result of the cut backs on the mobile libraries Cotton is now covered by the Bury library they have had to change the times due to it now having to cover a larger area It will now come to Cotton every 4 weeks next visit 6th February the stopping points remain the same Cotton Church (layby) and Cotton methodist Church (layby) the times have also changed they are now 1200-1215 and 1220-1235 the regulars have been given the new times its just if new people want to go they will need these new dates/times