Galloway Local Bus Services Timetable can be found here

REVISED Bus Services in Suffolk – These services will change/commence by the end of May and into June 2013.

Downloadable PDF timetables for these services can be found on our website by clicking on the appropriate month at or by contacting us on 0845 606 6171.

Please note that these pages are frequently being updated to include new timetables and service change summaries so we would advise that you check this page regularly.

It would be helpful if this information can be made available to residents of your parish, as you feel appropriate and if possible shown in your parish letter/magazine or on any public notice boards available to you. Any out of date timetables or information for these services should be removed at this time. Roadside publicity is currently being updated.

Should you require any further timetable information or to discuss the changes please contact us on 0845 606 6171 or email

Yours Sincerely, Suffolk Passenger Transport