Meetings of the Parish Council
All full council meetings are open to the press and public and details of the meetings are published in advance, on this web site and on the Parish noticeboard located outside the village hall .
Members of the public are very welcome to attend any of the meetings of the Council and there will be time set aside at each meeting to hear comments and concerns from residents.
Copies of any agendas and/or minutes can be obtained by emailing
Future meetings of the Parish Council will be held in Cotton Village Hall and will commence at 7.30pm unless notified otherwise:
September 14,
November 9,
January 11,
March 15,
April 12.
Noting in an election year the Annual Parish meeting must be held on or within 14 days after the day on which the Councillors elected take office, it was agreed to hold the Annual meeting of the Parish Council on May 10 2023 (MSDC elections are scheduled to take place May 4, 2023).