Entries by cotton_admin

February 2022 meeting

The first meeting of the New Year (2022) takes place on Thursday 17th February from 7.30pm at Cotton Village Hall.

St Andrew’s Harvest Festival

The Church was filled with some magnificent singing of seasonal hymns for the Harvest Festival on Sunday 12th September. We had a great combination of very young (and not so […]

Jubilee Planning Meeting

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 1952-2022 Further news on the Cotton celebrations will be available here shortly. If you would you like any information before then please contact Tina Newell, Parish […]

Emerging from Covid….

Individuals and Groups are busy thinking and planning events in the village to help us all return to some kind of normality. This is a working document which will hopefully […]


The Covid vaccinations are progressing at a pace with the published targets likely to be met. However, sometimes there are holdups in the process which can be frustrating. It seems […]