Lockdown support - useful helplines

Lockdown support – useful helplines

Local support during the lockdown

Local support during the lockdown

Glasses on the top of laptop

St Andrew’s Gift Day

Due to the national lock down, we have had a cancel our scheduled Gift Day on Saturday 7th November. We don’t, of course know when we can arrange another date. […]

Glasses on the top of laptop

Virtual Produce Show – the Winners!

Virtual Flower and Vegetable show 2020 First of all, thank you so much for those who entered. There were some beautifully composed photographs and great produce and flowers. The Welham […]

Glasses on the top of laptop

VPA Virtual Show Entries

You can now see competition entries on the website! Just go to the special events page or scroll down here…

Glasses on the top of laptop

Parish Council meeting

An extra Parish Council meeting will be held online on Monday August 17 to discuss a planning application. If you would like to attend please contact the Clerk on cottonparish.clerk@gmail.com. […]

Parish Warden Job Vacancy

Parish Warden Wanted

Parish Council Vacancy

Parish Council Vacancy

Glasses on the top of laptop

Sad News

It is sad to report the death of another long term residents of Cotton. Ernie Smith has died aged 95 years, he lived in Cotton with his wife and family […]

A Stray Bee Orchid!

A Stray Bee Orchid!

“Bumble” Stringer with a bee orchid which might have found its way from Carter’s Meadow….